This Code of Ethics represents a behavioural model and a model of professional code of contact whose principles inspire any activity created by HP Italy S.r.l., besides regulating internal relationships . Anyone working as employees of the company, partners subscribed to the agency, or anyone take commercial relations with the same will have to engage in respecting arrangements and principles contained in this Code, as well as other policies of behavioural nature that will be possible adopted by the Company. Values declared in this normative text are the expression of corporate cultures whose HP Italy s.r.l. presents, and represents reference through which to observe and explain every situation from one hand, a goal to reach, destination of a path taken according to principles characterizing all activity of the company. HP Italy s.r.l. is responsible for effective Code’s fulfillment, by setting suitable information instruments, prevention and control, and ensures clearness of actual conducts ; it intervenes, where applicable, to repress and give penalties to specific operations or behaviours in line with Code.
Added value
HP Italy S.r.l. researches and promotes excellence of services given, with the goal to create added value to company, employees, customers, as well as market and to social community in which it works, by establishing relations based on confidence, competence, listening and relations’ clearness.
Person’s development
Every person has a huge value for HP Italy S.r.l. For this reason, the Company confers primary importance to development, to personal dignity, to tollerance, to clearness and to security of persons be they its employees, its customers and all its partners and suppliers, by promoting development, valorisation and dialogue as as levers for a continual improvement.
HP Italy S.r.l. believes that differences, diversity and interculturalism represent an added value to job and to human relationships, and for this reason it is contrary to every form of prejudice based on political, philosophical and union ideas, ethnical or religious belonging, gender identity and sexual orientation, civil status, physical or mental inability, nationality, language or family, economic and social condition.
HP Italy S.r.l. pursues its goals with honesty, correctness, responsibility and good faith, in full and substantial respect of laws, of professional ethics and of agreements taken with its customers, employees, partners and suppliers.
HP Italy S.r.l. wants to offer an excellent service, with the best relation quality/price. This value must be expected by every customer contacting the Company, as well as by the agency towards all employees and partners in every side of any activity, in line with a strategy of continual improvement in medium and long term.
HP Italy S.r.l. is a company oriented to customer’ satisfaction. The agency will ensure every customer satisfied through listening, the most inherent proposal to needs of the same customer and ensuring a continuous contact during activities, as well as reception of every feedback as soon as activity will be finished. HP Italy S.r.l will give a timely answer to requirements and claims, by aiming to a substantial and not formal solution of controversies.
HP Italy S.r.l. thinks that on the base of a lasting relation built on confidence there is a communication that puts customer in position to always understand features and value of offered services : it so simplifies contracts’ understandability, reduces possible misunderstandings and ambiguities with a clear and ful informative report The agency timely points out any change in contract and its conditions, by arranging a clear communication on all available channels and giving value to customer’s time.
The agency, while not showing any preclusion or prejudice to any kind of customer, does not hold direct or indirect relations with subjects whose belonging to criminal associations should be recognized or working anyway outside lawfulness, and will refuse to provide any support for activities that can be against law, common decency or damaging personal dignity.
Person’s respect
HP Italy S.r.l. thinks that respect of personality and of dignity for everyone is the base for development of a working environment filled with mutual trust, loyality, and improved by everyone’s contribution : that’s why it wants to preserve working environment from any kind of harassment, attitudes and behaviours damaging personal dignity from other partners, customers or third persons, by carrying out a specific service of surveillance and control.
HP Italy S.r.l. recognizes that totality of professional, relational, intellectual, cultural and organizational skills is a strategic resource the company aims to preserve and improve as key factor of competitive advantages. All decisions and corporate choices that concern employees and partners, must be uniquely based on abilities which are shown during performance of assigned tasks and on professional qualities. No employee or partner must receive advantages or disavantages because of factors which are not connected to abilities and professional merits.
HP Italy S.r.l. ensures to its employees and partners a working environment safe for person : it scrupolously follows safety norms and promotes a healthy lifestyle, by strictly preventing smoking in working or activity places, as well as possession, use and distribution of drugs.
All collected data which concern employees and partners are processed according to actual norms in terms of privacy and protect clearness, accessibility, use limits, verifiability and security. Likewise, all mentioned subjects are required to a general obligation of confidentiality concerning all agency’s sectors : all information of technical, commercial financual and private nature belong to the company and can not be communicated or disclosed without a specific and formal declared consent of HP Italy S.r.l.
HP Italy S.r.l. defines relationships with its suppliers or external partners according to principles of professionalism, efficiency, seriousness and reliability. Selective procedures will be driven by objective reference elements and will take into consideration economic advantage, technical ability, quality of material and correspondence to supplier’s features to procedures and to standards of quality adopted by the company.
Equal opportunities
HP Italy S.r.l. ensures equal opportunities in selecting suppliers and commercial partners, by keeping into account their compatibility and suitability to the company’s needs, and keeping any friendship or relative relation out as favour condition to subscribe relationships and commercial contracts.
HP Italy S.r.l. will establish survey instruments for satisfactory level of suppliers, by identifying areas of improvement, particularly as regards clearness, communication and respect of payment terms.
Code of Ethics’ diffusion
HP Italy S.r.l. commits in fostering and ensuring a suitable knowledge of Code of Ethics and in disclosing it by all means it will consider suitable, including publication in its own website. The agency reserves itself right to change its Code of Ethics according to adaptation with corporate growth and of new events like changes of market and extension of activities’ sectors : however these changes, which will have to be approved the company’s management,must not be contrary, in form and in substance, to principles up to now stated and forming the Code itself. In order that everybody can uniform its behaviours to the ones herewith described, HP Italy S.r.l. will ensure a suitable training programme and a continous sensibilization of values and of ethical norms contained in this Code.
Violations’ warning
Relation between HP Italy S.r.l. and all its interlocutors has always been based on direct dialogue. Anyone, be they customers, employees, partners, suppliers or third persons, whereas need further clarifications concerning Code of Ethics can directly contact the company’s management, that must also receive warnings as regards application or to violations of this code. The considered system will ensure the best confidentiality to everybody will contact the company.
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